If you can't beat 'em, join 'em


In the year 2000, when our founder was 10 years old, his elementary school had an "innovation fair" where the winner would win a "patent."  He won.

Smart Watch

We met directly with a patent attorney in 2011 to discuss the viability of a Smart Watch patent.  The first Smart Watch was released for sale in 2013.


Another product we are big fans of.  It's among the 100's of concepts we have blogged and discussed with patent attorneys.

Force Touch

We blogged this one, in detail, on our original website, 3 years before Apple patented it (and went on to immediately implement it).

Apple Pencil

Sort of an obvious one.  "Bring back the stylus" should have never needed to have been said.  Glad Apple took our advice.

Stylus Compatible Touch Pads

This one is free.  Need to e-sign a legal document?  Just grab your stylus and sign your laptop's track pad.  Boom!

Why work with us?

What about our approach sets us apart from other product development partners?

We are commited to making a difference

We know that we can make the biggest difference by investing our time effort and energy into a few domestic, mid-term, contractual partnerships - which we aim to renew at the end of the cycle.  Let us join forces and create an unstoppable powerhouse.

Nothing is impossible. We can help you achieve your goals!

Good things take time, we know this first hand.  With the right amount of reinforcement, persistence and patience - we can help you achieve your goals.

We have followed our tagline and mission statement from day 1

Think. Speak. Do

First we think through our action plan.  Then we follow it up by making our public statement(s).  Finally we start chasing down our dreams.

We have a tremendous track record of substantial successes

As if leading and / or contributing to the top 6 consumer facing innovations of the 21st century weren't enough of an omen, we have also taken to creating our own mobile applications in our spare time (our founder get's bored).  His first application was developed, branded and launched to #70 on iTunes all within one year of conception.

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Cincinnati, OH, United States of America


Think. Speak. Do

Cincinnati, OH, United States of America

